Shopping for furniture that suits both your style and budget is a tough, but not impossible, task. If you make your purchase at particular periods of the year when sales abound, you can save money. Whether it’s high time to replace that secondhand Craigslist couch or...
What is fast furniture? Fast furniture is a cultural phenomenon born of ease and mobility. With so many people relocating, downsizing, upgrading, or in general, shifting their homes and home design preferences each year based on the latest trends, fast furniture aims...
When you envision your dream recliner, what do you see? A big, puffy leather seat that’s perfect for kicking back in? Something that fits your living room’s design but rocks back-and-forth? Everyone wants a nice recliner to kick back in, but many wonder how to buy a...
Setting up your home office means you’ve got a lot of choice and freedom. Want a purple and orange chair? Go for it! Want striped walls? Be our guest! But, no matter how you decorate, furnish, or set up your home office, we’ve got some tips that will help you create a...
A small room does not have to feel cramped and cluttered. With the right furniture and some decorator tricks, you can create a pleasant and airy space no matter what the size of your room. Here are a few good ideas to maximize your space and accommodate your...